I am raising my kids while caring for my mother with Alzheimer's

Honored to now be an advocate and contributor at AlzheimersDisease.net and share about my experience as a full-time caregiver for my mom with Alzheimer's. 

Here's an excerpt from my first post about being a part of the sandwich generation (raising kids and caring for a parent at the same time):

My kids have no problem talking non-stop and at a level that is easy to understand for Mom. They don't talk about current events or complicated topics that are challenging for her. They also don't mind repeating what they said. 
They aren't bothered when my mom responds in a way that highlights her confusion. They haven't heard her stories a million times. 
They are patient and gracious in a way that only children can be sometimes.

Read the full article at AlzheimersDisease.net
